Column by DCDave
by DCDave

Archive 5: 4/9/06 - present

Checking Microsoft Copilot on Thomas Merton's Death 3/10/25
The Korean War: A History 8/28/24
Leonard Rawls, Wilber Hardee, and Hardee's Restaurants 4/18/24
Richard Petty's Hometown and the U.S. Military 4/10/24
Illegal Israel 3/4/24
Deep Roots of the Current Gaza Slaughter 2/8/24
Genocidal Israelis Napalmed Civilian Refugees 1/29/24
James Forrestal, Harry Truman, and Israel 12/24/23
CIA Finally Pulling the Plug on Biden 9/14/23
Lawrence of Arabia and Yevgeny Prigrozhin 9/1/23
About those White House Surveillance Cameras 7/18/23
The Most Under-Reported Big News Story 6/2/23
Did Thomas Merton Have a Love Child? 4/26/23
Getting a Grip on Thomas Merton's Murder 2/23/23
Black Like Whom? Mystery Man, John Howard Griffin 2/1/23
The Thomas Merton Autopsy that Wasn't 1/30/23
Amazon Censorship 12/14/22
Local High School Can't Field Football Team 8/9/22
We Pulled the Plug on the Shah 7/15/22
Mark Middleton, Meet Daniel Best 6/23/22
Video on 9/11 Removed from YouTube as "Hate Speech" 4/21/22
American Press Beating Familiar War Drums 3/23/22
Important Assassination Movie Quashed 3/4/22
Mother Teresa, Fr. Richard Rohr, and Thomas Merton 2/1/22
"John Lennon's" Greatest Hit 1/28/22
Deranged Court Historian, Douglas Brinkley, on Jan. 6 1/7/22
The Early Thai Reports, the Press, and the Abbey on Thomas Merton's Death 12/14/21
Finding David: An American Wife Betrayed by Her Government 12/10/21
"Dean of Cold War Historians" on James Forrestal 10/22/21
Untruths in Forrestal Book Review 9/21/21
An "Adult Content" YouTube Video 9/16/21
Godfather of Soviet Containment Is Cancel Culture Victim 9/1/21
H.R. 1619: The Hate Flag Act of 2021 7/13/21
Sidney Rittenberg 7/12/21
Google: Tool of the Deep State 6/25/21
YouTube: Truth about Jewish Power Is "Hate Speech" 6/4/21
A Korean Doctor Zhivago 5/11/21
Ken Starr's Contempt for Your Intelligence 3/23/21
Jefferson Davis, In His Own Words 3/5/21
CIA Election Meddling 2/19/21
Vince Foster, Race, and Davidson College Snowflakes 2/12/21
Kavanaugh Stabbed Supporters, Nation in the Back over Vote 1/29/21
The Big Guy Address 1/6/21
Letter to William Styron about Vince Foster's Death 12/14/20
Open Letter to Davidson College's Carol Quillen 11/19/20
Divine Intervention in Trump Vote Challenge? 11/12/20
Vince Foster's College Goes Full Woke 10/15/20
When Bill Kristol Heard the Vince Foster Witness Story 9/10/20
Fear Theater 8/20/20
Abe Lincoln, Anti-Catholic? 8/7/20
YouTube "Crucifies" COVID-19 "Savior" 7/17/20
Pilgrims' Retrogression 6/25/20
Life in the Confederate Army 3/19/20
The Balfour Declaration's Bitter Fruit 2/19/20
The Other British Forrestal? 1/8/20
Bill Clinton, Hero 12/9/19
Is Lt. Col. Vindman CIA? 11/27/19
Thomas Merton's "Death Shout" 11/14/19
An Enemy of the Thomas Merton Society 10/31/19
NPRavda Features Double Agent Ruddy 10/2/19
The Carolinas, Jews, and China 9/12/19
Israel's Murder, Inc. 8/10/19
James Forrestal and Palestine 8/6/19
James Forrestal's "Anti-Semitism" 7/8/19
James Forrestal's "Breakdown" 6/23/19
James Forrestal, the Great Patriot 5/25/19
YouTube's Complete Corruption Revealed 5/7/19
The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton (review) 4/20/19
City of the Cold Shoulder 4/4/19
The Host & the Parasite 3/22/19
Professor Secretly Trashes Merton Book 2/27/19
Zionism Contradicts Judaism 2/12/19
Demographics on the Ground 1/13/19
Befuddled Juror in Thomas Merton Book Verdict 1/8/19
Key False Document in the Thomas Merton Death Case 1/3/19
Hillbilly Agent? 12/27/18
Scarce News on Admiral Stearney's Death 12/21/18
Penn Jones and the Merton Death Cover-Up 12/10/18
Gary Hart: The Front Runner 12/6/18
Daniel Best: Trump's Vince Foster? 11/28/18
Thomas Merton and Patrick Knowlton 11/22/18
Miracle in Maryland 11/6/18
Fauxcahontas and the No-Call List? 10/19/18
New Directions' Misdirection on Thomas Merton's Death 9/11/18
A North Korean Defector's Story 8/29/18
"Seth Rich Confidant" Escaped to Russia 8/15/18
Who Really Killed Martin Luther King, Jr.? 8/2/18
Thomas Merton's Death and Fake Opposition 7/18/18
Christopher Ruddy on Brett Kavanaugh 7/15/18
YouTube Censorship Really Hits Home 7/5/18
Is the Fix in for Trump's Supreme Court Nominee? 6/29/18
What We Know about Thomas Merton's Death 6/13/18
Parade of Whoppers about Thomas Merton's Death 6/7/18
Talk Show Hostess Continues Merton Death Cover-Up 5/15/18
Amazon Censorship Hits Home 5/10/18
Why Hillary Used a Private Server 4/26/18
How Britain Initiated Both World Wars 4/19/18
War Is Not a "Single Issue" 4/13/18
Merton's Message Resonates as Nuclear Holocaust Looms 4/5/18
Propaganda Press Flailing over Amelia Earhart 3/15/18
A Walk Through Korea 3/7/18
The Hot Potato of Thomas Merton's Death 3/5/18
Mount Obama 2/17/18
The Nunes Memo and Vince Foster 2/5/18
Devin Nunes and the USS Liberty 2/2/18
Thomas Merton, Anti-War Hero 1/29/18
Is the American Press the Enemy of the People? 1/18/18
Coming Half Clean about Bill Clinton 11/21/17
HHS Nominee Deep State Made Man 11/16/17
Brazile, Foster, and the Look Up Factor 11/8/17
Washington Free Beacon Spook Operation 10/27/17
Frightened Forrestal Witness Became War Hero 10/19/17
Daughter of Key Forrestal Witness Surfaces 10/11/17
Dr. Einstein or Dr. Frankenstein? 10/4/17
TDS Outbreak at Miss America Pageant 9/14/17
The Charlottesville Operation 9/1/17
How about a "Rachel Corrie Act"from Congress? 8/10/17
"Earhart Photo" Debunker Debunked? 8/2/17
Flying Wing Shot Down by Truman Era Corruption? 7/24/17
Earhart Photo Story Apparently Debunked 7/13/17
Press Touts Dubious Earhart Photo 7/7/17
Censored by Amazon 6/29/17
The Roots of Puerto Rico's Economic Disaster 6/16/17
Remember the Liberty! 6/8/17
Europe's Demographic Suicide 6/1/17
Seth Rich Equals Vince Foster? 5/25/17
Who Is Donald Trump? 5/12/17
Eyewitnesses and the JFK Medical Evidence 5/4/17
Vince Foster, Tommy Burkett, and Fake News 4/20/17
UNC-CHeats Achieve "Redemption" 4/13/17
Lying about Syria and Bombing 4/7/17
Where's the Press on Vince Foster's Death 3/30/17
"Get Out:" White Racism or Mind Control? 3/17/17
More on Fake Scholarship 3/1/17
Deplorable Washington Post Letters 2/25/17
Fake Scholarship on "Fake News" 2/17/17
How RFK Could Have Saved His Life, and His Country 2/6/17
Three Accurate Poetic Predictions? 2/3/17
From an Office Building with a High-Powered Rifle 1/26/17
Post Gives away "Sucker-Punch"Game 1/19/17
The BBC Wanted Me 1/10/17
The Fayetteville "Sucker Puncher's"Last Stand 12/22/16
Was Vince Foster's Murder PizzaGate-Related? 12/13/16
WaPo: Donald "Hitler"Can Still Be Stopped 12/8/16
The Heroin Epidemic and the News 12/1/16
Black 9/11 10/26/16
Vince Foster's Indignant but Curiously Unconcerned Sister 9/29/16
Hillary the Other Woman 9/28/16
An Honest Book on the Vince Foster Case 9/15/16
Does a Real Opponent Hire Fake Opposition? 9/8/16
Selling the Foster "Suicide" to Hillary Haters 9/2/16
The 9/11 Mystery Plane 8/18/16
Chandra Levy and Mary Caitrin Mahoney 8/4/16
Prostitution, Blackmail, and the Presidency 7/28/16
Doonesbury Scrapes Bottom 7/19/16
Dolly Kyle, Vince Foster, and the Ku Klux Klan 7/15/16
Latest FBI Fakery on Vince Foster Death 6/24/16
"Fake"Advice Letter Smears Trump 6/1/16
FDR Goes to War 5/31/16
Waxing Indignant over Vince Foster Death Critics 5/30/16
Sheila Anthony Defends Her Changed Foster Story 5/27/16
Pollyanna on Vince Foster and our Presidents 5/27/16
Dueling Christian-Jewish Verse 5/22/16
Honor Abandoned at UNC 5/9/16
Amelia Earhart Truth Versus the Establishment 5/6/16
NCAA Caves on UNC Corruption 4/29/16
Boy Clinton and Wife 4/14/16
The Trooper, Drugs, and the Clintons 4/6/16
On the Trail of the Fayetteville "Sucker-Puncher" 3/29/16
Hillary Not Interested in Vince Foster's Murder 3/25/16
Trump Supporter's House Vandalized 3/16/16
The Money and the Power 3/10/16
Antonin Scalia and the Cover-Up of Vincent Foster's Murder 2/17/16
My Mahoney-Murder Threat 2/11/16
Mary Caitrin Mahoney and the Starbucks Massacre 1/14/16
Cheated: The Massive UNC Athletic Scandal Exposed 1/7/16
Trump Half Right on Immigration, Hispanic Crime 12/31/15
Professors Can't Explain Vince Foster's Last Ride 12/23/15
Trump's Gorgeous Wife Nude? 12/17/15
Jay Billington Trump and The Post 12/8/15
The Clintons' War on Women 12/3/15
Onward Christian Soldiers 11/19/15
Sidney Blumenthal, Vince Foster, and the Deep State 11/12/15
A Vietnam Grunt's "Guardian Angel"11/5/15
The Pope, Jingoism, and the Truth 10/18/15
Spartacus Drops the Ball on Forrestal 10/16/15
Post Gushes over Top Red Screenwriter 10/8/15
Press, Justice System Hit New Low on Alien Smuggling 10/1/15
American Betrayal, A Review 9/24/15
The Pope, Conscience, and 9/11 Censorship 9/18/15
The Death of the Grown-Up 9/7/15
Dylann Roof and Jared Taylor 8/31/15
Google Buries My Revelations of Hillary's Lesbianism 8/25/15
Disappearing Children 8/18/15
Post Omits Hamid Gul's 9/11 Doubts from Obituary 8/17/15
What Did Anne Frank Have against Americans? 8/11/15
Wikipedia's Greatest Misses 8/6/15
Dust-Up with History Prof over Rebel Flag Continues 7/27/15
Johnny Reb and Billy Yank Flag Debate Continues 7/21/15
Letter to a Historian over Foster and the Clintons 7/15/15
The "Rebel"Flag and the "Civil War"Debated 7/9/15
Wrist Slap for Top Alien Smuggler? 7/2/15
Did We Pull the Plug on the Shah? 6/3/15
The American (Establishment) Catholic on Forrestal's Death 5/27/15
Is She Onboard with the Cover-Up? 5/19/15
The Frightening GMO Food Fraud 5/11/15
Largest Known U.S. Vietnam War Atrocity 5/4/15
About that Obama "Movement" 4/15/15
Letter to a Court Historian about Forrestal's Death 4/7/15
"Hijacker" Instructor Described Woeful Skills 4/6/15
The Secret Government's Made Men 3/19/15
USDOL Embraces Major Alien Smuggler 3/4/15
Trifling with Twitter 2/24/15
How to Become a "Made Man"in the Media2/18/15
How Brian Williams Almost "Chinookered"Us 2/5/15
The Cuban Cigar Scam 2/3/15
My Brush with French (and World) "Press Freedom" 1/20/15
Seeds of Permanent Conflict in Palestine 1/15/15
Persistent Lies about James Forrestal 1/8/15
Latest Foster Cover-Up Book Not Completely Worthless 1/2/15
Judge Posner's One-Way Mirror 12/20/14
Dog Torture at Bottom of CIA Scandal 12/18/14
George Bush's First Torture Scandal 12/10/14
The Great Suppression of 2014 12/2/14
Lyndon Johnson, Sinister "Colossus" 11/25/14
The Forrestal Murder and the News Media 11/11/14
Ben Bradlee, Secret-Government Stalwart 10/22/14
Feds Pile New Charges on Top Alien Smuggler 10/12/14
The Enemy at Our Back 10/10/14
Did Lyndon Step Down So Bobby Could Be Killed? 9/23/14
Parade Magazine's Latest Bunkum, on 9/11 9/10/14
A Tale of Two Obituaries 8/20/14
James Forrestal and John Kennedy 8/6/14
A Veteran's Tale 7/31/14
Video of Labor Goon Slugging Union Man in NC 7/29/14
Why Senator Joe McCarthy Had to Be Destroyed 7/17/14
Man Awarded Ph.D. for Trashing Martin, Forrestal 7/7/14
Zionism, the False Messiah 6/26/14
Silence Broken in UNC Athletic Scandal 6/11/14
Pernicious Zionism Revealed 5/17/14
Did a Soviet Agent Cause the Pearl Harbor Attack? 5/4/14
A Letter to the Poet Laureate 5/1/14
AP Gives Alien Smugglers "Infomercial" 4/17/14
Anonymous CIA Official Dies Violently 4/10/14
Pearl Harbor vs. 9/11 4/3/14
Was Franklin Roosevelt a Communist? 3/28/14
Double Agent Ruddy Reaching for Media Pinnacle 3/14/14
Is Ukraine's New Prime Minister a Jew? 3/7/14
H-2A Kingpin Stumbles on H-2B 2/27/14
A Lawyer's Case for Harry Hopkins 2/20/14
Has Obama Gone Bulworth on Alien Smuggling? 2/14/14
Kathleen Willey Dissects Hillary Clinton 1/30/14
Harry Hopkins and FDR's Commissars 1/21/14
Suppressed Letters on Adolf Eichmann and Vincent Foster 1/3/14
Associated Press Pushes for Statehood for Puerto Rico 12/12/13
A.Word.A.Day on "McCarthyism" 12/6/13
Painting Horns and Moustaches 11/29/13
Parade Magazine in Full Propaganda Mode 11/22/13
The Kennedy Assassination and the Press 11/15/13
James Bamford, the NRO, and 9/11 11/8/13
John Connally, JFK, and Truth Suppression 11/1/13
JFK Murder Propagandists at Work 10/25/13
Dissenting Memo Surfaces from Starr Team 9/26/13
Syria: War on Iran through the Back Door? 9/13/13
Wrong Fans of Modern Popes? 8/27/13
A Resident Evil 8/18/13
The Other Florida Shooting 8/13/13
The Chertoff Century 7/17/13
The Muted News of the Zimmerman Lawsuit 6/27/13
The Todashev Killing and the House of Cards 6/20/13
Conversation with a Zionist over James Forrestal's Murder 5/30/13
Could Barack Obama Really Go Bulworth? 5/22/13
JFK Assassination Enablers? 5/16/13
Elia Kazan, American Hero 3/19/13
Doonesbury Propaganda 3/5/13
American Victims of the Soviet Gulag 2/26/13
Homeland Insecurity? 2/14/13
So Lance Lied. So What? 2/7/13
Stalin's Secret Agents 2/1/13
Oliver Stone on the Japanese Surrender 1/22/13
Did Truman's Poor Reading Skills Give Us Israel? 1/11/13
Vince Foster, Richard Cory, and Abe Lincoln 1/3/13
Antwar, Anti-FDR, John T. Flynn 12/12/12
Oliver Stone on James Forrestal 12/6/12
A Condensation of Military Incompetence 11/15/12
Chomsky, the Fraud, on 9/11 11/8/12
How FDR Dragged Out WW II for Stalin 10/31/12
The Ultimatum that Gave Us Pearl Harbor 10/19/12
A Rural Education 10/12/12
The Pearl Harbor Betrayal and James Forrestal's Death 10/4/12
Condi a Bad Choice for Augusta National 9/23/12
Was Katharine Graham Killed for 9/11? 9/21/12
War Poetry 9/13/12
PBS Makes Doubting 9/11 Story Respectable 9/11/12
CNN Censors Richard Belzer 8/17/12
Hillary Clinton and the Amelia Earhart Cover-up 8/7/12
Obama Biographer Crude Propagandist 7/17/12
Martial Machismo: At What Cost? 7/11/12
Watergate Lies Multiplied 6/20/12
Biggest Whistleblower in JFK Case Ignored 6/8/12
"Jews" Tried to Kill Truman in 1947 5/10/12
More Abuse of Psychiatry in the JFK Cover-up 4/18/12
Washington Post Distorts Trayvon Martin News 4/13/12
Learned Helplessness 3/22/12
Abuse of Psychiatry in the Kennedy Assassination 3/21/12
Presidential Primary Election Choices? 3/17/12
Ron Paul's CPAC and Virginia Cop-outs 3/14/12
A Witness Harassed, Americans Fooled: The Foster Case 2/23/12
First into Nagasaki 2/9/12
The Institute of Pacific Relations and the Betrayal of China 2/7/12
Taped Exchange Exposes "Pit Bull" Dan Burton as Yapping Lap Dog 2/3/12
Who Is Citizens United? 1/27/12
Citizens as Sovereigns 1/14/12
Three Important Assassinations? 12/20/11
"Forrestal Committed Suicide," Claims Cold War Historian 12/9/11
John F. Kennedy on the Loss of China 12/7/11
McCarthy Target Touted Soviet Agent's Book in NY Times 11/17/11
Ten Years Later, Questions Still Linger 10/20/11
James Forrestal and Joe McCarthy 9/28/11
M. Stanton Evans on "Good Night and Good Luck" 6/14/11
Jury Duty: Time to Bring back the Runaway Grand Jury 6/5/11
Truman Administration Adviser Counseled Surrender of Korea to Reds 6/2/11
Forrestal Ignored: China Lost to Reds, Korean War Fought 5/30/11
A CBS and Murdoch Hoax? The "Sexual Assault" on Lara Logan, Part 2 5/2/11
Covering up Zionist Crime? 4/22/11
A CBS and Murdoch Hoax? The "Sexual Assault" on Lara Logan 4/13/11
Neocon Blogosphere Changes Tune on Lara Logan 2/18/11
Harry Hopkins Hosted Soviet Spy Cell 2/11/11
The Zionist Mentality and Method 12/20/10
Chosin 12/16/10
Groping Granny for Show 12/8/10
Luciano: SS Normandie Sunk as Cover for Dewey 11/10/10
Who Killed James Forrestal? Part 6 11/4/10
Percy Crosby on Franklin Roosevelt 10/3/10
Post Silent on Gul's 9-11 Views 7/28/10
The Wingman and the Village 7/19/10
"Justice" Department? (On Kenneth Trentadue) 6/12/10
Review of Ken Gormley's Book on Kenneth Starr 4/15/10
Documents Reveal Judges' Deliberations on a Death 4/14/10
Baylor, You Have a Problem 3/12/10
Japan, 9/11, Toyota, and General Motors 3/11/10
Japanese Have Washington Post Running Scared over 9/11 3/8/10
The Enormous Crime of Abandoning POWs 3/3/10
Can We Go Back to the Moon? 3/1/10
The Effrontery of "Torino" 2/24/10
Spare the Messenger! 2/17/10
Kill the Messenger? 2/6/10
Foster Case Resignation Letter Surfaces 12/17/09
Spooks on the Hill 11/14/09
Secrets of Glenn Cooper 10/1/09
The Case of Lt. Kuczynski 9/24/09
New Discoveries about Hemingway...along with Some New Questions 9/23/09
Et Tu, Trudeau? 9/10/09
Code Name ARTICHOKE 5/27/09
Historians Support Forrestal Inquiry 5/26/09
A Tale of Two Cartoonists 4/10/09
A Washington Tragedy 4/10/09
New York Times Hides DeParle Connection 3/8/09
Giving away American Jobs 2/26/09
Edna Buchanan's Embarrassment 2/17/09
Burdick, Mitchell on Hart, Rice 2/11/09
Handwriting Tells Dark Tale? 1/30/09
Cornell Simpson on J. Robert Oppenheimer 1/25/09
Gene Lyons, Paid Liar, Murder Enabler 12/17/08
Mencken and More on Lincoln's Speech 11/22/08
Indifference to Tyranny 10/19/08
Stock Market Propaganda 10/5/08
The Improbability of the D.C. Madam's Suicide (with Moldea rebuttal) 5/14/08
Lies about the Kennedy and Forrestal Deaths 4/29/08
The "D.C. Madam" Outrage 4/13/08
Knowlton Forgives Starr 4/8/08
The Cover-up of Sonny Bono's Murder 4/6/08
Spook Shrink Flubs Script 3/25/08
The New York Times and Joseph Stalin 3/9/08
Grand Theft Primary 2/9/08
Who Killed James Forrestal? Part 5 1/13/08
Anti-war Sign of the Times 12/23/07
Hillary's Secret War, a review 9/09/07
Is Hillary Clinton a Lesbian 7/29/07
Google Censors Me for Hillary 6/30/07
Post Reporter Continues Forrestal Cover-up 6/17/07
Post Suppresses News on Rosie's 9-11 Doubts 4/29/07
FDR Tipped Pro-Soviet Hand Early 4/15/07
Do We Still Have Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's Sons? 3/18/07
FDR's Right-Hand Perjurer 1/27/07
The Grand Jury 1/19/07
FDR Winked at Soviet Espionage 1/13/07
Roosevelt's Revenge? 12/10/06
How We Gave the Russians the Bomb 12/3/06
The Old Zionist Smear Machine 11/8/06
Patrick J. Hurley Meets David Ben-Gurion 10/31/06
Flight 93 Ordered Shot Down 7/4/06
Journalistic Un-Integrity 6/19/06
James Carroll on James Forrestal 6/9/06
George Bush's Secret Letter to Iran 5/15/06
Who Killed James Forrestal, Part 4 4/9/06


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