A Song for Hillary


To the tune of ABBAÕs ŌThe Winner Takes it AllĶ


Why donÕt you shut it down?

You lost it fair and square.

WeÕve seen your misery,

And now, youÕre history.

You played all your cards;

The Donald played his, too.

Nothing more to say;

No more tricks to play.


The winner takes it all.

The loserÕs standing small

Beside his victory

ThatÕs your destiny.


You lived in that house,

Thinking you belonged there.

Longing to return,

Having punked the Bern,

But we knew youÕd be wrong there.

You were such a fool,

Breaking all the rules.


You werenÕt asked to dance

When you had every chance.

ItÕs time for you to know

You should pack up and go.

The winner takes it all.

The loser has to fall.

ItÕs simple and itÕs plain,

But you bitch and you complain.


Your email brouhaha

Was more than just a miscue.

Just hang your head in shame

And own up to the blame.

Somewhere deep inside

You know we wonÕt miss you.

Nothing more to say,

Rules must be obeyed.


The voters did decide;

Now kindly step aside.

That river has been crossed.

Why donÕt you get lost?

Your chance has come and gone;

Now just leave us alone.

The winner takes it all.

Shut up and take your fall.


HavenÕt you run out

Of other folks to blame?

Nothing more to say,

We wish youÕd go away.

LetÕs make this clear:

You badly lost the game.

Hillary, get thee hence,

And make yourself past tense.

DonÕt you see,

The winner takes it all?

The winner takes it all.


So the Donald takes it all;

Losers drink bitter gall.

In a snit, pitch a fit;

Scream Ōunfair,Ķ we donÕt care.

Down your gall, take your fall,

And just go away.


David Martin



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