Q. Why doesn't President Bush learn to pronounce "nuclear" correctly? --
Mikki Marka, Singer Island, Fla.
What a libel upon the good people of Texas! "Nu-cu-lar," as we all know, is
not an optional, regional way to pronounce nuclear. Rather, it is a
popular, lazy-minded mispronunciation by English speakers around the world
who have bad ears for sounds, very much like pronouncing "realtor"
"reelator." And what court toadies these phonies at
Parade are to suggest that it's okay to mispronounce a word repeatedly
because a couple of diction-challenged presidents didn't know any better!
Believe me, "Walter Scott," whoever he happens to be as of March 9, knows better. For an exposé of this organ of state propaganda see Parade of Lies and Parade of Lies, Part 2.
David Martin
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