Double Agent Ruddy
Reaching for Media Pinnacle
To comment on this
article go to B’Man’s Revolt.
It is hard to think of anything more subversive of
our putatively free and democratic system than the penetration of our news
media by secret, unaccountable government agents, unless it is the
penetration—the “cognitive infiltration” in Cass Sunstein’s terminology—of groups of concerned,
civic-minded individuals by those same agents. Ladies and gentlemen, as a shining
example of both, I give you Christopher Ruddy. reported last week that
Ruddy’s will launch its own TV news
network this June to compete with Fox for the conservative audience. “How do you
have something so successful in cable that nobody else wants to imitate or cut
into their market share? It defies reason,” asks the 49-year-old Ruddy.
The Chris Ruddy I Know
Christopher Ruddy was only 29 when
he came into my life. I had been
laboring pretty much in solitude in my inquiries into the death of President
Bill Clinton’s Deputy White House Counsel Vincent W. Foster, Jr. My motivations were mainly two: I had a longstanding interest in the
John F. Kennedy assassination, and the press reaction to Oliver Stone’s JFK had brought the American press’s
culpability in the crime, at least as accessories after the fact, forcefully to
my attention. As a response, I had
just completed my first serious political writing, the long poem “Assassins,” which had no immediate outlet
in those days before I was online. I
could not help but note a great similarity in the eagerness of the press to
accept the official Foster suicide conclusion to their eager endorsement of the
lone crazed gunman theory in the JFK case.
Second, the fact that Foster had graduated two years behind me at
Davidson College and that, at about the same height, we had matched up in
intramural basketball competition had given me something of a personal
interest. (As a lifelong Democrat, I had voted for Bill Clinton just months
It also helped that I was working
in Washington, DC, but it helped a good deal less than you might think. The only other people I could find who
shared my skepticism of the official story in the Foster case were at the
conservative media watchdog organization, Accuracy in Media (AIM). Its director, the late Reed Irvine, was the main person there
interested in the case, but my main point of contact with them was the late Bernard Yoh.
I almost never talked with Irvine.
I had attempted to get the Liberty Lobby involved, but they had
demonstrated no interest.
Ruddy arrived upon the Foster
scene some six months after the death with the first of a series of articles on
January 27, 1994, in Rupert Murdoch’s New
York Post. One can gather a
little of my sense of excitement at his discoveries by scrolling down to the
section headed “Enter Christopher Ruddy” in part 1 of my 6-part series, “America’s Dreyfus Affair, the Case of the Death
of Vincent Foster.” I immediately got
in touch with him, and we would see quite a bit of each other in the months
ahead. When he came to Washington
he would regularly call on Irvine, Washington correspondent for the
conservative Telegraph of London,
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Foster case researcher Hugh Turley of Hyattsville, MD,
and me.
Ruddy told me that his interest in
the case originated with a call from an unnamed reporter at the conservative Washington Times who had been stymied by
his editors in his attempt to write the truth about the story. Dan E. Moldea
reported later in his book, A Washington Tragedy: How the Death of Vincent Foster
Ignited a Political Firestorm, that Ruddy
told him that people at AIM were responsible for igniting his interest. Now I seriously doubt that either story
is true.
Ordered to Talk to Ruddy
One of the things that most
impressed me about Ruddy in the beginning was that, unlike the other
journalists who just took what was fed them by the government and passed it
along as though they were doing independent reporting, many of whom had clearly
not even bothered to go out to Fort Marcy Park, the obscure Civil War relic off
the George Washington Parkway where Foster’s body was found, he appeared to
have done some real shoe-leather journalism. He had actually interviewed some of the
people who were among the first to arrive at the park on the evening of July
20, 1993. But here, with the wisdom
of hindsight, is a memo for the record written by Turley in 1998:
In case
anyone is still naïve enough to
believe any investigative journalist in America would expose government
corruption just look at how one of these reporters "found" his sources....
Ruddy gained a lot of fame for "digging" up information about the
death of White House counsel Vincent Foster. How did this reporter get
those interviews with government witnesses that would not talk to anyone else?
Ruddy's "sources"
were ORDERED to talk to him!
"I was
basically ordered to interview or ordered to speak with one of the reporters
and the New York Post again, I was told to talk to this Ruddy person, Mr.
Ruddy." -Deposition by US Park Police Officer Kevin Fornshill
for US Senate 6/12/94
"I just
did it because I was ordered to do it [talk to Chris Ruddy]." -Deposition
by Fairfax County EMS worker George Gonzalez for US Senate 7/20/94
Ruddy served
as a spokesman for the government authorities.
Every member of the American press has gone
along with the cover-up of the murder of White House official Vincent
Foster. Ruddy was a little different. He created the illusion he
was a courageous reporter on the side of truth. Ruddy's
reporting was a farce all along and just another layer of the murder cover-up
of by the American media.
That goes right to the heart of
the matter. In that first Ruddy
article Gonzalez is identified as the first emergency worker and Fornshill as the first policeman on the scene at the
park. Had we been a little better
versed in espionage tradecraft we would probably have recognized much earlier
that Ruddy was playing the classic double agent
role. To be sure, he reported some
things that seemed extremely damaging to the authorities, but his reports
stayed very well contained. We were like the enemy who had been
shown some of the adversary’s secrets by a fake defector. He bought credibility with us, while not
doing all that much harm to the case of his ultimate employers. The
New York Post is a tabloid that is noted mainly for its witty and
sensational headlines, and Ruddy later left it for a much more obscure suburban
Pittsburgh newspaper owned by one of the heirs of the Andrew Mellon fortune,
Richard Mellon Scaife. This latter paper put “Pittsburgh” in
front of its Tribune-Review name only
about the time Ruddy arrived there.
But we really wanted to believe,
like Lot in the case of Sodom and Gomorrah, that there
was at least one righteous person among America’s press. There were early straws in the wind had
we been more keen to recognize them.
To take one example, some of the key flaws in the government’s suicide
case are to be found in the autopsy performed by the late Dr. James Beyer. In the form that asks “X-rays taken” he
had checked the box beside it that said “yes,” but he had elsewhere written
that because the X-ray machine was broken, he had taken no X-rays. This is of great importance because he
also drew a picture of a half-dollar sized exit wound in the crown of the head
in the picture of the body on the autopsy sheet. No one who was at the park that night
detected any exit wound at all, much less the huge bloody mess that would have
been blown out on the ground or vegetation down-range from Foster’s head. X-rays would have undoubtedly shown the
bullet still in Foster’s head.
Dr. Beyer had a bit of a checkered
past. In two notable instances in
Fairfax County, VA, in which he had performed the autopsy, the police had ruled
suicide when there were strong indications of murder. The first was that of 21-year-old
Timothy Easley in 1989. Four years
after the initial ruling Easley’s girlfriend had confessed to stabbing him to
death. The second case, that of
21-year-old college student Tommy Burkett, on its
face was far more sinister. The Burketts had returned home on a Sunday evening to find
young Tommy dead of an apparent gunshot wound seated in a chair in an upstairs
bedroom. The family’s revolver was
in his hand on his lap, but with the cylinder slightly ajar and the bullet hole
in the wall behind him was not even close to being in the proper alignment if
Tommy had shot himself as the police quickly concluded he had done. Furthermore, there was fresh blood on
the wall of the stairwell leading up to the bedroom and Tommy showed signs of
having been beaten about the head.
Again, heavily relying upon Dr. Beyer’s autopsy, though, the police had
quickly ruled suicide. Later the
parents were able to get the body exhumed and have an autopsy performed by
another experienced forensic pathologist.
He discovered a broken jaw and numerous contusions that could not have
been caused by the single gunshot.
I drove Ruddy to the Burketts’ home for him to interview them. I was present when they told him that
they had discovered that Tommy had been busted for marijuana and had had the
charges dropped in exchange for working as an informant for the Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA).
They had found many indications that Tommy had been beaten to death
because of what he had learned and reported in his informant role. They also told him of their attempts to
get coverage of their story in the news.
They had talked to several reporters who had shown interest, but nothing
ever got printed. Then they had
their phone system screened by a professional and found that they were being
bugged. After that they called a
reporter for the local free weekly, the Chantilly
Times, from a pay phone. I had
first read their amazing story there.
I was primarily an observer at the interview, but I distinctly remember
that it was I and not Ruddy who broached the subject
of The Washington Post. The Burketts
had not volunteered it, so I asked them “What about The Post?”
I can’t recall the reporter’s
name, but one did come and interview them after they had found out about their
phone bug and he responded excitedly to their story. His editor killed the story, though, and
to this day The Post, the same
newspaper that has done more than any other to sell the Foster suicide line to
the public, has not reported anything about the Burkett death. Afterwards, on March 8, 1994, Ruddy had
an article in the New York Post entitled
“Foster Coroner Has Been Dead Wrong on Suicide Before.” It is about the Easley and Burkett
cases, but there’s not a peep about the DEA or the phone bugging or The Post’s news suppression. Mainly, Dr. Beyer and the Fairfax County
police come across as incompetent in Ruddy’s
account. One gets the same
impression from his Appendix IV, “Case Histories of Dr. James Beyer” in his
1997 book, The Strange Death of Vincent Foster. The general
corruption of the government beyond the Foster case and the role of the press
as accomplices were apparently off limits.
Sometime later, something occurred
that much more obviously should have brought Ruddy’s
legitimacy into question in my eyes.
A colleague, hearing me voice skepticism over the Foster “suicide”
conclusion, revealed to me that he had previously worked for the Mitre Corporation, and that
they had installed the surveillance system around the White House
compound. He said, as you might
expect, that it is state of the art and that it could tell you how closely
Foster had shaved in the morning when he came to work. As it happens, among the many gaping holes
in the government’s case is the question of the time and the manner of Foster’s
departure from the White House compound on the day of his death. Officially, the last person to see him
alive was the secret service agent on duty at the door at the west end of the
White House. There is no official
record that we know of of his ever having left the
fenced White House compound. He
could have simply been going to the Old Executive Office Building next door
when he left the White House proper.
But when did Foster leave the compound? Was he with anyone? Was he in a car or on foot? Was it his own car
or someone else’s? The surveillance
camera should have provided a definite record.
I put the question to Ruddy. A few days later he got back to me with
the explanation that he had received from his “contact in the White
House.” Would you believe, those
surveillance cameras had cramped President Clinton’s carousing, tom-catting style and he had had them removed, he said? I passed that response on to my
colleague, and he merely rolled his eyes in disbelief. Had the surveillance camera issue ever
been raised publicly, which Ruddy could have done, this obvious fallback
position would never have survived public scrutiny.
Other, subtler, indications that Ruddy was not what he appeared to be also began to
emerge. The mainstream press gave
him publicity, but as something of a whipping boy. It was similar to their treatment of the
obviously phony outfit, Citizens United. Two instances stand out. On March 7, 1994, the day before his
article on Dr. Beyer, Ruddy had a New
York Post article headlined “Cops Made Photo Blunder at Foster Death Site”
that began this way: “The U.S. Park Police never took a crucial crime-scene
photo of Vincent Foster’s body before it was moved during the investigation
into the death of the White House deputy counsel, FBI sources told The Post.” Not long after that, ABC Evening News
came out with a report that showed a black revolver in the dead Foster’s hand,
which they said they had obtained from the Park Police. Ruddy was left with egg on his face.
Worse than that, Ruddy had later
collaborated with the Strategic Investment newsletter on a video on the Foster
case in which the confident claim was made that the gun-in-hand photo was phony
because it showed the gun in the right hand when, in fact, Foster was
left-handed. That set him up to be
on CBS’s 60 Minutes as the very symbol
of the lunacy of the Foster-case skeptics.
Mike Wallace got Ruddy to
admit before a national audience that there was no good evidence that Foster
was, in fact, left-handed, but at that point he stressed that the video was not
his, but was a Strategic Investment production. “But you edited the tape, didn’t you?”
Wallace shot back, and Ruddy could only sheepishly confirm that he had.
Again, with the wisdom of
hindsight, it is abundantly clear that both public relations disasters were
planned by those orchestrating the cover-up, and Ruddy’s
intentional “blunders” and his anonymous FBI “sources” were all a part of it.
Ruddy was
also publicized by the Clinton White House itself as being right at the
epicenter of Hillary Clinton’s “vast right-wing conspiracy.” They produced a volume in 1995 awkwardly
titled “The Communications
Stream of Conspiracy Commerce,” and it was provided to the media
in January of 1997. The main
villain in the story is Ruddy’s employer Richard
Mellon Scaife, who ostensibly financed many right-wing, anti-Clinton publications and organizations, but
Ruddy himself is also a major figure.
The beginning of my final
estrangement from Ruddy began on a positive note. We had gone to some Foster-related
function together and I was carrying with me the book I was reading during my
bus and subway commute at the time, Barbara Tuchman’s The Proud Tower: A Portrait of the World before the War,
1890-1914. It had a long
section on the Dreyfus Affair in France.
I had been struck by one passage for its similarity to the Foster case
and I showed it to Ruddy. Boiling down the position of General Auguste Mercier and his case against Captain Alfred
Dreyfus, Tuchman had written, “All the strength, except truth, was on his
“You should write something up
showing the parallels between the two cases,” suggested Ruddy. So I did, and “America’s Dreyfus Affair, the Case of the Death
of Vincent Foster” is the result. One
of the main “strengths” that Mercier had was a generally compliant press, and I
stress that point heavily throughout what became a six-part series. Ruddy’s
reaction after reading what is now Part 1 was not at all what I thought it
would be. I had made him something
of a heroic figure, likening him to the young Dreyfus defender, Bernard Lazare.
Ruddy seemed thoroughly displeased
with what I had written, but he only seized upon one item to object to. “You said that I wrote that the Park
Police didn’t take any crime scene photographs, and that’s not what I
said. I was talking about the photo
of the overall scene that would have made it clear where the body was in the
park, not crime scene photos generally.”
If that was the information he
meant to convey by his article he certainly did a very poor job of
communicating because no objective reader could come to any other conclusion
than that no crime scene photographs at all had been taken. But Ruddy had his excuse to reject my
work, and he was sticking to it.
In reality, I believe, Ruddy had a
big problem with my pointing out the press complicity in the cover-up. * Perhaps an even bigger problem than that
was that he had been chosen to lead the parade of the skeptics, and with my
“Dreyfus” paper, I had moved up pretty close to the front.
Enter Knowlton and Clarke
The others who moved up toward the
head of the skeptic parade managed to sink Ruddy’s
credibility completely. They are
the witness, Patrick Knowlton, who had happened by the Fort Marcy Park parking
lot to relieve himself, his lawyer John Clarke, and the aforementioned Turley,
who assisted them. What transpired
after that is well laid out in Sam Smith’s Progressive
Review here. My complete undressing of Ruddy can be
found in Part 2 of “Dreyfus.” There I reveal that Ruddy first tried to
undermine them with a whispering campaign against Clarke and in the end left
out the story of Knowlton’s lawsuit against several FBI agents from his 1997
book, all the while ignoring the most salient fact that Knowlton had revealed,
which was that Foster’s car was not at the park when his body was.
When Clarke was able to get his devastating letter appended to
Kenneth Starr’s official report on Foster’s death by the three-judge panel that
appointed him, and over Starr’s strenuous objections, and that fact was blacked
out by the entire American press, Ruddy participated in the blackout at the
time. ** For all practical purposes, he was completely out of the
closet—though in virtually the reverse way as CNN’s Anderson Cooper.
When Newsmax
started up in 1998 with Ruddy as its head, we longtime Ruddy watchers never
thought of it as anything more than a propaganda operation. Ruddy was being rewarded for a job well
done in misdirecting the public and helping keep the lid on the Foster case,
similar to the way in which members of Starr’s cover-up team, Brett Kavanaugh and John Bates were rewarded with federal
As the head of Newsmax,
Ruddy has further embellished the impression that he was only a right-wing
extremist out to get the Clintons.
For the most part it has turned out standard Fox News, Weekly Standard-type war-hawkish
establishment conservative fare. At
the same time he began a slow and steady retreat from all the good work that
pointed so clearly to the fact that Vince Foster was murdered. I described the Ruddy technique in a
short article in 1999, “More Ruddy Trickery”:
Ruddy, investigative reporter for Richard Mellon Scaife's
Pittsburgh Tribune Review, editor of
the online service Newsmax,
and author of the book The Strange Death
of Vincent Foster, is portrayed by the mainstream media as the leading
critic of the government in the Foster case. The fact that he is singled out
for publicity by that disreputable crowd should be sufficient evidence of his
phoniness. The numerous self-discrediting things he has done such as claiming
that the Park Police took no crime-scene photographs and that Foster was
left-handed when the gun was found in his right hand also give him away. Lest
we tend to forget about his deceitfulness and treachery he keeps reminding us
with little gems on his web site such as promoting Foster cover-up books by the
likes of Ann Coulter and Howard Kurtz.
contributes to the Foster murder cover-up most recently almost in passing in an
article comparing the thwarted investigation of Chinagate
with obstructions of the Senate "investigation" of tangential
occurrences around the Foster death (as though the Senate were serious about
either investigation). Here is the telling passage:
Thus, one
of the great mysteries of Whitewater slipped between the cracks: Did Foster know about the Hale office search? If the answer is yes,
then he knew that Whitewater was about to explode, which no doubt caused him
great distress.
Just hours
after the Hale office search warrant was issued, Foster's body was found in a
remote Virginia Park; his gunshot death ruled a suicide." (Friday, June
11, 3:37 am, "The Aborted Chinagate Search: Deja Foster?")
Get that, dear reader? Sure sounds as though Foster killed himself because he was distressed
over Whitewater, doesn't it? Thus does the great Clinton critic, Ruddy,
cover for Clinton and the whole sorry crowd responsible for Foster's murder and
the cover-up that continues by reinforcing the absurd line that Foster killed
himself because he was somehow "disturbed." We ought to all be more
than a little disturbed over the machinations of people like
Christopher Ruddy.
completely folded tent for truth about the Foster death became completely
obvious with the appointment of arch-Foster-cover-up writer, Ronald Kessler as Newsmax’s
chief Washington correspondent in 2006.
In his book on the White House Kessler devotes
11 pages to the Foster death, and it’s all pure cover-up, the apparent complete
antithesis of Ruddy’s book on the subject. You can read about it in my article “Kessler, Ruddy, and the Parade of Lies.”
Watching this sorry performance by
Ruddy, one can’t help but feel for the 23 out of 32 customer
reviewers on of his book on the Foster death and all the
people they represent, who gave the book five out of five stars and wrote
glowing, trusting reviews. They
could see that he was on to something.
Now he seemed to be giving them a big “never mind.” But when it comes to betrayal by the
putative Irish Catholic Ruddy, they hadn’t seen anything yet.
While Ruddy’s
image as the Foster-death truth-seeker steadily ebbed, his image as a garden
variety Clinton hater flowed. It
probably reached its high-water mark in 2002 in a book he wrote with Carl Limbacher, Jr., Catastrophe: Clinton’s Role in America’s Worst Disaster that can be summed up by the
picture on the cover. Bill Clinton
is in the foreground and a disintegrating twin tower is in the background. The book parrots the official
19-Arab-hijacker line but blames the Clinton administration for carelessly
letting it happen with its presumed softness on terrorism. Though clearly a very poor excuse for a
book, the Ruddy handlers at Newsmax must have been
pleased by how well it achieved its polarizing objective. As of this date, 15 of the 39 customer
reviewers had given it five stars and 22 had given it only one star.
The Born-Again Ruddy
Now, in the most cynical move yet,
as if to show how contemptuous the opinion molders are of the American
public—at least those who think of themselves as conservative—Ruddy
has been permitted to cash in his Clinton-hater card. Worse than that, he has even done it by
seeming to take back all the good apparent truth-seeking work he did when he
first came upon the national journalistic scene.
“He has become friends with Bill
and Hillary Clinton and won’t rule out supporting Hillary for president in
2016,” writes Businessweek. Further on, they say this:
In a recent Newsmax
editorial lambasting Rand Paul for dredging up the Monica Lewinsky affair, he
wrote, “As one of the participants in those battles back then who was a critic
of President Clinton, I can say with some degree of certainty we made a
mistake.” About the only area in which he remains a staunch party-line
conservative is foreign policy.
Take that, all you folks who went
to the trouble of reading The Strange
Death of Vincent Foster and especially the ones who wrote good reviews
about it online. He’s a changed man. Hear him tell Joe Scarborough on MSNBC that he
was wrong. He cares no more about
the truth now than do his newfound friends, as if he ever did. And lest you think he’s just talking
about the Lewinsky business, which I can’t recall his ever having written
anything about, look who has kind words to say about the “reformed” Ruddy:
Ruddy’s own
conservatism, despite a fervent anti-Obama streak, is far from Tea Party
obstructionism. “People mellow or change or get perspective as they age,” says
liberal journalist Joe Conason, often Ruddy’s foil during the Clinton battles, who now counts him
as a friend. “Or most people do. He’s not this right-wing kid that he was.”
See, it was only because he was a
right-winger that Ruddy cared about the Foster
case. In truth, Joe Conason is to Chris Ruddy as David Corn is to Joe Goulden. Conason is the
co-author with the infamous Gene Lyons of The Hunting of the President: The Ten-Year Campaign to
Destroy the Clintons. To get some flavor of that book,
all one needs to do is to check out my article with the subtitle, “Gene Lyons, Paid Liar, Murder Enabler.” In that
article I meticulously document the statement, “Lyons' lies are important because they
are so enormous and outrageous, they are easily proven to be lies, and they go
right to the heart of the Foster murder and its cover-up.”
As for the Conason-Lyons
book, one can get some idea of its quality from their very first mention of
Foster’s death at the beginning of chapter 6: “[Foster’s] body was discovered at 5:45
P.M. by officers from the U.S. Park Service police, who treated the incident
from the very first as a routine investigation, made politically sensitive only
later by the identity of the victim.”
There is not a single word of
truth in that statement, even according to the officially approved story. It’s abundantly evident from this one
sentence that neither of these shills has ever even set foot in Fort Marcy Park
or they would know how extremely unlikely it is that any patrolling policeman
would have stumbled across Foster’s body where it was found in a back corner of
the little-visited park. The
official story is that a passing motorist who had gone there to urinate spotted
him, though there are some serious questions about that story as well. And had the Park Police treated the
matter routinely, they would have followed the police manual and treated this
violent death by gunshot as a murder until they had accumulated sufficient
evidence to disprove it. They did
not do that. And an absolutely
amazing number of things went on in the park that night that
were very far from routine.
Clarke, Knowlton, and Turley heavily document those things in their
court submission/book Failure of the Public Trust. Furthermore,
the Fairfax County emergency workers who were at the scene that evening
recorded the death as the result of a “likely homicide.”
Conason and
Lyons, according to their index, mention Ruddy on 10 pages and Evans-Pritchard
on 11 pages, and almost every time it’s in terms of the blackest villainy. They weren’t just political opponents of
the president and his wife, after all, they were part
of a “campaign to destroy Bill and
Hillary Clinton.” However, also
according to the index, two very important names connected to these two
vilified journalists are completely missing from the book. They are Miguel Rodriguez and Patrick
Knowlton. Rodriguez was initially
Starr’s lead investigator who apparently really tried to get at the truth, but
resigned in disgust. In my review of Ruddy’s book I say
that his Chapter 9 about that episode alone would make a very good movie. For his part, by far the most important
thing Evans-Pritchard did related to the Foster case was to ferret out Knowlton
and interview him. Only then did
Knowlton know that his FBI interrogators had falsified what he had told them in
their official reports.
The only index listing concerning
Foster’s death directly in the Conason-Lyons book is
tellingly entitled “suicide, rumors concerning,” drawing from #3 of the “Seventeen Techniques for Truth
Suppression.” The subject comes up on 26 pages in the book, but somehow
they can’t find the occasion to mention either Rodriquez *** or Knowlton.
Christopher Ruddy is now telling
us in so many words that we should believe what they have written about the
Foster death, not what he has written.
Just think about that when you watch anything from his upcoming network
news production.
Whose Operation?
If Newsmax
is an operation, whose operation is it?
Businessweek tells us that the first investor in Newsmax was former CIA director William Casey’s daughter
Bernadette. That looks like a good
lead, but in all likelihood what it means is that we can rule the CIA out.
Looking back at Ruddy’s work on the Foster case, the most likely candidate
by far would seem to be the FBI.
Throughout his writings he referred constantly to one anonymous FBI
source or another. He obviously had
connections there. He also covered
up for them. He concealed their
active involvement in the investigation from beginning to end. According to Ruddy,
anything that was ever done wrong was the work of the bungling Park Police or
that insidious Clinton crowd at the White House. It was never the FBI. Maybe they’re too obvious as well.
Maybe the answer is to be found in
an important bit of information that is left out of the Businessweek article. They tell us
that Ruddy studied abroad at the London School of Economics, which is unusual
enough for this 12th child of a policeman and a homemaker, but they
fail to tell us where else he has studied abroad, at Hebrew University in
Jerusalem. Imagine that. Businessweek says
that Ruddy comes from a Catholic family that didn’t regularly
go to church. Did the mother, perhaps,
take them to the synagogue, instead?
It’s not just because of Ruddy’s studies in Jerusalem and the conventional pro-Israel
neocon politics of the Newsmax web site that I raise the question. Once I happened to make some rather
routine critical comment about Israel, and Ruddy’s
sharp rejoinder in disagreement really surprised me. He seemed to take what I was saying
about Israel personally. I recently
ran across an observation by Professor Kevin
MacDonald that reminded me very much of how Ruddy reacted at that time: “I have encountered many liberal, politically correct Jews who react
vociferously (almost violently) to the most innocuous comments about any topic
related to Israel or Jews.”
Take out the liberal
and politically correct part, and that was Ruddy, though I’m not sure now about
the need to remove the liberal part.
There really wasn’t any real point in taking issue with my offhand
observation, it seemed to me, and he definitely wanted to stay on my good side,
but it was like he couldn’t help himself.
I just marked Israel off as anything I could make small talk about with
Ruddy, and we never found anything further to disagree about that I can think
There’s also the
coziness and mutual admiration between Ruddy and the duplicitous arch-Zionist Alan Dershowitz that Businessweek does
mention and Ruddy refers to as well in his interview by Joe Scarborough. Could it just be the fact that they’re
both skunks that they have this affinity for one another or is something else going
Now it’s quite
possible for a crypto-Jew, if that’s what Ruddy is, to be working for the CIA
or the FBI, but it also brings another intelligence organization into the possible
Newsmax mix, and that would be the Mossad.
Finally, Businessweek hints that Ruddy is motivated by
personal pecuniary considerations as much or more than by any political ideals:
earns what he describes as a modest six-figure salary, but he’s plainly as
interested in his own success as in advancing his conservative agenda.”
Let us take a stab at what that
six-figure salary amounts to. What
would the Biblical thirty pieces of silver be worth these days?
* I had previously not gone into
detail as to what “all the strength” was that General Mercier had on his side
in the Dreyfus case. It included a
very cooperative press. As it
happens, one of the reporters who covered the trial that convicted Dreyfus on the
basis of secret evidence was Theodor Herzl, reporting for an Austrian
newspaper. He was part of that
compliant press at the time because he reported that Dreyfus was probably
guilty. Later he would say that it
was the abiding anti-Semitism revealed by the railroading of Dreyfus that moved
him to found the Zionism movement.
**Ruddy later had a catch-up
article about the Knowlton-Clarke addendum. Here is Hugh Turley’s assessment of it:
Some have
posted Ruddy's November 4th article
published almost ONE MONTH after the October 10th event as evidence
that the addendum to Ken Starr's Foster report was reported to the American
people. The date of the Ruddy article is never posted with the article
NOT EVEN AT RUDDY'S WEBSITE because it is embarrassingly late.
I had to
shame Ruddy into doing the story. In October Ruddy told me he would NOT
report the order from the US Circuit Court of appeals because he "was not
a court reporter". Ruddy said, "I am an investigative
journalist, you have to get someone that covers the courts to do that
story." It was good that Ruddy finally got it published in the small
circulation Pittsburgh paper but he had many facts wrong in the article.
Here is what
I wrote about Ruddy's article on November 10,
is known to most folks, including Mike Wallace of CBS, as the "leading
journalist on the Foster story." Too bad he does not lead with the correct
facts. Ruddy's November 4th article reporting
that Patrick Knowlton's attorney won approval of the court to attach a 20 page
letter to Ken Starr's report over Starr's objections deserves criticism on
several points.
It is not a
well known but the witness Knowlton and Ruddy are barely on speaking terms. It
is certain Ruddy did not fact check his story with
Patrick Knowlton or his attorney John Clarke. Chris did call me to tell
me he was doing a story on Knowlton but he did not seek advice so the omissions
and errors in his story are his own.
One of DC
Dave Martin's 13 techniques for truth suppression [now 17] is "To come half
clean." This is the technique used by Ruddy throughout his article. Ruddy's article about Knowlton's attachment appeared in the
weekday edition and lowest circulation edition of the Pittsburgh
Tribune-Review. Ruddy downplays Knowlton's historic attachment by running
the story with a lengthy article about Arkansas State trooper trivia as if that
was more important. The Knowlton article begins, "Two Arkansas state
troopers are not alone in complaining..."
Ruddy can be
extremely accurate when he wants to be. I know because I have seen him in
action typing on my own computer keyboard and he has edited and corrected press
releases for me. Therefore his obvious errors jump off the page at me since
they are supposedly from the "leading reporter on the Foster
Ruddy wrote,
"Knowlton, the first person known to have been in Fort Marcy Park on the afternoon
of Foster's death..." This is incorrect because everyone familiar
with the case knows that another man was already at Fort Marcy Park when
Knowlton arrived. We've seen this man's face too. [published
in Ruddy's first book]
Ruddy wrote,
"[Knowlton] was surprised he was not asked to review the [Starr's]
report." This statement is a total fabrication by Ruddy. I
know Pat Knowlton well and I know he never expected Starr to ask him to review
his report and he was certainly not surprised that he was not asked. The
statute allows that persons mentioned in the report may submit comments and the
court would decide if those comments would be added and if so in whole or in
Ruddy wrote
that John Clarke, "filed an appeal...supplying more that 118 exhibits and
a 400 page report..." What Ruddy calls a "report" is in
fact a civil rights lawsuit against FBI agents filed last year under
seal. It was unsealed on November 12, 1996 in U.S. Court in the District
of Columbia. A press conference was held that day announcing the lawsuit
and it was attended by all of the major newspapers, television networks, Phil
Weiss was there and so was Ambrose Evan-Pritchard. Ruddy, "the
leading reporter on the Foster story" did not attend Knowlton's press
conference. Like the entire rest of the media (with the exception of the
Washington Times which did a short, inaccurate, skeptical inside-page
bump-and-run) Ruddy did not report it. I was not surprised that Ruddy does not call the document what it is and instead
calls it simply "a report." Expect a ruling soon by Judge Penn
on the status of Knowlton's civil suit.
Ruddy wrote,
"The judges voted unanimously to allow Knowlton and his attorney to review
the report."
This is
completely false. Knowlton and Clarke did not see Starr's entire report
until it was made public on October 10. Ruddy should know this because
Clarke refers to this fact in the 20-page attachment. Clarke wrote,
"Even though our review is limited by the fact that we were provided only
the passages reprinted below so the context is unclear..."
Ruddy wrote,
"Knowlton, noting numerous discrepancies and omissions in the Starr
report, filed a 20 page memorandum..." This is false again because
Knowlton did not read Starr's report until October 10 and if he and Clarke had
the 20 pages would have packed even more dynamite. Ruddy calls Clarke's
20-page letter a "memorandum" giving the historic letter an informal
and insignificant spin. Ruddy also refers to Clarke's letter as a
I could go
on with smaller errors but as usual Ruddy failed to point out the importance of
Patrick Knowlton and that is that Patrick Knowlton did not see Vincent Foster's
car at Fort Marcy Park when Foster was already dead. This important fact
is misstated in Ruddy's book and now completely
ignored in Ruddy's catch-up Knowlton article.
Credit should be given where credit is due and
now three and one half weeks late Ruddy does report
that Knowlton did attach 20 pages to Starr's report. So at least Ruddy
can say, "I reported that" to maintain his leadership role as
"the leading reporter on the Foster story."
*** Ruddy, for some reason, told
everyone that Rodriguez spells his first name “Miquel”
with a “q” instead of the conventional “g”. That’s why you will find it misspelled
throughout my “America’s Dreyfus Affair,” just as it is misspelled in Ruddy’s book, in The
Failure of the Public Trust, Evans-Prichard’s The Secret Life of Bill Clinton (not his choice of titles, he
tells me), and all the writings of
Reed Irvine. Only when we found and published Rodriquez’s resignation letter did we
realize that Ruddy had not told us the truth. Ruddy, like all of the mainstream press
has ignored this letter that did not come to light until 2009 just as he and
they have ignored Rodriguez’s crucial memorandum that we
published in September of 2013.
David Martin
March 14, 2014
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