The Great Suppression of
When I conceived the idea for this article, I
had only one example of important news that was completely suppressed by the
mainstream American news media this year in mind. I have since thought of two more that
are certainly worthy candidates for the “Biggest News Suppression of the Year”
award, however. While I am still going
to devote most of this article to the original topic, I have decided to invite
readers to give their opinion as to which should receive the award and why they
think that. They are to do that by
taking part in the forum on B’Man’s Revolt.
Reader participation begins with a search of the
Internet using as many search engines as you care to use. Here are the three word combinations to
Eury Lee Wicker indictment
pilot MH17
German journalist
Complete Blackout on Expanded Indictment
What I discovered on #1 is that, amazing as it
may seem, more than two months after the expanded and revised federal
indictment of the leader of “the largest alien smuggling ring in our nation’s
history” was handed down, absolutely no one in the press has reported it. My article, “Feds Pile New Charges on Top Alien Smuggler” continues to be the
first and the last word. As we
suggest in the first of the “Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression,” if it’s not in the
news it’s as if it didn’t happen.
Anyone capable of thinking for himself just a little bit will know that the story is not
being ignored because it is not newsworthy. When the smaller indictment was handed down, not involving the primary way in which Eury’s operation has brought future illegal aliens into the
country, the H-2A program for farm workers, nor implicating Eury’s
two chief lieutenants, even The Washington Post found it sufficiently
newsworthy to report upon, albeit belatedly and by printing a story submitted
by a North Carolina-based freelancer.
In the meantime, the Associated Press, which has
ignored both installments of the federal indictment, sent around a totally
un-newsworthy fluff piece touting the great virtues of Eury’s
North Carolina Growers’ Association, which I described at the time as an “Infomercial.” If you haven’t already done it when you
read the earlier article, do the same sort of Net search that I recommend above
for the pre-set title of the AP article, “NC farmers lead country on legal
foreign workers.” It’s still up at
lots of mainstream sites with the same headline at each place.
It’s quite a rare thing when the press gives
much more favorable news coverage to the person accused of a crime than it does
to his government accusers. The
only precedent that I can think of that comes close is the treatment that the
press gave to New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison when he brought Clay
Shaw to court on charges of complicity in the John Kennedy assassination. But Garrison was only a local DA. We’re talking about a huge federal
indictment in the current case. We
have also learned from our contacts within the North Carolina Employment
Security Commission (NCESC) that the indictment is the result of a multi-agency
investigation that began during the last year of the Bush administration. It represents a bipartisan effort by the
proper authorities to punish and stamp out fraud and corruption in the foreign
guest worker program. If you
thought that the news media would get behind them in their efforts, then you
don’t understand our news media.
Back in October I discovered that the co-writer
of that NCGA “infomercial,” Kate Brumback, is based
in Atlanta and that her special areas of coverage should have made her aware of
the Eury indictment. That made her the perfect person for my
email, although I open copied her accomplice, Ray Henry, who specializes in
immigration and energy matters:
October 22, 2014
To: Kate Brumback
NCGA Leadership Under Federal Indictment for Fraud
see from the Internet that you specialize in both immigration and legal
matters. Consequently, it is somewhat surprising that in that
article that
went out with your name and Ray Henry's on it back in April heaping praise upon
the North Carolina Growers' Association (NCGA) you somehow managed not to
report that the executive director of the NCGA, Stan Eury,
and his daughter were under indictment by a federal grand jury for major abuses
of the guest worker program.
the charges have been dropped against his daughter because she has apparently
negotiated a plea bargain and has become a cooperating witness. The
indictment has also been expanded from 41 counts to 87 counts and the
agricultural part of Eury's operation is much more
directly implicated than before. Furthermore, replacing Eury's daughter in the indictment are his top two
lieutenants, Lee Wicker and Ken White.
can read all about it in my article, "Feds Pile New Charges on Top Alien
Considering how badly you misled the public with that earlier article, I
believe that it is particularly incumbent upon you to set the record straight
by reporting these new developments. Don't you?
The email did not bounce back from either
addressee, so I assume it reached its target. As you might have guessed, I got no
response, and no article providing the needed corrective of the misperception
of the NCGA that the article engendered has appeared.
Before that I had nudged the NC freelancer, with
whom I had established a friendly email relationship, to write up the new
developments. He told me that
before he could begin to write about it he would have to find someone who would
pay him for it, suggesting that the future for that didn’t look very bright. His getting that first piece into The Post is looking more and more like a
fluke. Predictably, nothing on the new
indictment has appeared with his byline on it to my knowledge.
But what about WRAL
television in Raleigh, which broke the first indictment story? It’s looking like that was a fluke as
well. They were among the news
organs that carried the “infomercial,” although it’s no
longer up on their site.
One of my informants within the NCESC alerted
them, as well as the Raleigh News and
Observer and the Fayetteville
Observer about the expanded indictment. The influential Raleigh paper has never
written the first thing negative about the NCGA, so when they blew him off he
was not surprised. But WRAL stiffed
him as well.
The Fayetteville paper is much smaller, but it
is near Eury’s headquarters in the small town of Vass
and it had written a short piece on the first indictment after the federal
prosecutors had sent out a press release.
The writer of that earlier piece expressed some enthusiasm when
contacted about the expanded indictment, which he had not heard about, but said
that he would have to run it by his editor. That was the end of that.
Come to think of it, there is one area in which
the lawbreakers almost always get a sympathetic press and the law enforcers get
a bad press. That is illegal
immigration. The illegal immigrants
are always just “undocumented,” don’t you know?
The late comedian George Carlin said that he
didn’t believe anything the government told him. But as we see in this instance, the
government—or at least some elements of it—can be better than the
press. We have seen it before, when
we first used the “great suppression” term, in a section heading of Part 3 of “America’s Dreyfus Affair: The Case of the
Death of Vincent Foster.” We called
it “The Great Suppression of ’97.” The three-judge panel that appointed Kenneth
Starr decided, over his strenuous objections, to include as an appendix the submission
of the lawyer for the dissident witness, Patrick Knowlton, which, one of the
judges wrote to the others, “…contradicts specific
factual matters and takes issue with the very basics of the report filed by the
[Independent Counsel].” That is to say, it destroys the conclusion of
suicide. Here’s part of what I said
about it at the time:
Now there has developed a popular notion, encouraged in no small part by
the opinion molders in the mainstream press, that those who treat various
official pronouncements with skepticism are simply "anti-government."
Such people may be contrasted with the media people themselves who show us how
"responsible" they are by only giving us "the facts," as
long as those facts bear an officially-approved label.
But here we have a case of one official government body, the three-judge
federal panel, administering a slap in the face to another official government
body, the Office of the Independent Counsel. Certainly citizen critics who
applaud the action of the judges can hardly be called
"anti-government," nor can the nation's press, who unanimously
covered up the fact of the judges' inclusion of the Knowlton/Clarke Addendum,
be called anything that resembles "responsible." The adjective that
comes to my mind is "corrupt."
Those two stories out of Germany are clearly very important as
well. The first one strongly
suggests that the story touted by the American government and press that that
Malaysian airliner that crashed over Ukraine was brought down by an errant
missile launched by pro-Russian separatists is not true. Rather, the German expert concludes that
Ukrainian fighter jets must have shot down the liner.
Performing our third Net search, we find the pronouncement by prominent
German journalist, Udo Ulfkotte,
that he and other Western journalists had long been bribed by
the CIA to write things their way.
To those of us who were familiar with the line often
attributed to the CIA’s Frank Wisner that, "You could
get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a
month," this was no great revelation, but coming publicly from the mouth
of one of the bribed journalists it was big time news.
Because, like a growing number of people these days, I get most of my
news from “alternative” sources on the Internet, it didn’t occur to me at first
that these two news stories out of Germany had been suppressed. I had read about them from multiple
sources. None of those sources, I
finally realized, were even remotely what one might
call “mainstream,” however.
My Net search then confirmed what I suspected. How about your search?
All-Time Great Suppressions?
That 1997 suppression of the full news about the official report on the
death of Vincent Foster certainly should be very high on the list; and their
blackout of my 2009 revelation of the resignation letter of his
lead investigator, Miguel Rodriguez, and my 2013 exposure of his dissenting memorandum.
Another suppression was of the significant accomplishment of the current
writer. That was the breaking free
through the Freedom of Information Act of the official investigation of the death
of the first secretary of defense James Forrestal from a fall from a 16th
floor window of the Bethesda Naval Hospital. One might call that one “The Great
Suppression of 2004.” The Seeley Mudd Manuscript Library of Princeton University even put
out a press
release about it, but the entire mainstream press completely ignored it. The press in this instance was, once
again, worse than the government.
Then there was the “Great Suppression of 2006.” That
was when The Times of London reported
that in 2006 the Zionist extremist Stern Gang had in 1946 attempted to
assassinate British Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin, his predecessor and future
Prime Minister Anthony Eden, and a number of other high officials in Britain by
sending letter bombs. The article
is still up on Information Clearing House, but the story never made it into the
mainstream American press. It’s a
rare American, indeed, who knows that that bit of perfidy ever happened, or
that the same group attempted to assassinate President Harry
Truman by the same method a year later.
You, dear readers, might have candidates of your own for all time great
suppressions and 2014 news suppressions by the press. I might not even know about them…because
the news was suppressed. If so, let us know by weighing in at B’Man’s Revolt.
By the way, my NCESC informants tell me that the big visa-fraud trial of
Stan Eury et al. has been postponed from its original
November 2014 date to some time in late spring 2015. If the press should report on that trial
it would expose their dereliction in reporting on what led up to it, so I think
we can all get ready for “The Great Suppression of 2015.”
David Martin
December 2, 2014
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