On the Trail of the
Fayetteville “Sucker-Puncher”
comment go to Treasure Liberty.
In our previous article, we expressed doubt
that the 78-year-old man, John Franklin McGraw, who delivered a surprise
forearm to the head of a young black agitator at a Donald Trump rally in
Fayetteville, North Carolina, was really a local resident. All the news reports said that he was
from Linden, a small Cumberland County community some 20 miles from the county
seat of Fayetteville. I had talked
to the postmistress there by telephone and she said that she didn’t deliver
mail to anyone by that name and no one with whom she had spoken had ever heard
of him, either.
This question hits rather close to home for a
number of reasons. I grew up in a
similar community to Linden some 90 miles up I-95 in Nash County. The 2000 census said that Linden had a
population of 127 people, a little less than that of my home community when I
lived there. The only time that
anyone in our region might have worn cowboy garb, as McGraw did at the rally,
was if they were going to a square dance. Elderly men with long ponytails were
also unheard of. I spent some time
in the Fayetteville region at ROTC summer camp in nearby Fort Bragg and later
doing artillery exercises with an Army Reserve unit, and from what I have seen
the area is culturally little different from where I grew up. Someone like McGraw would have been
known and recognized.
The question of where McGraw came from is
important because it is related to the authenticity of the widely reported
incident. If McGraw traveled some
distance to attend the rally, there is a good chance that someone put him up to
If the generally rotten news media are trying to
conceal the fact that he came from relatively far away, the likelihood that he
is a phony and a provocateur increases greatly. The monolithic press is working as hard
as it can, after all, to paint Trump as a racist. We have witnessed the spectacle of the
claim that Trump was slow to renounce the endorsement of former Klansman David
Duke, when, as it turned out, Duke never endorsed him at all.
He does
have the endorsement of white nationalist Jared Taylor, which we can expect the
news media to play up more as we get further into the
campaign. I believe I demonstrate
beyond serious doubt in “Dylann Roof and Jared Taylor” that Taylor is no more
genuine than the forearm that McGraw threw at the Fayetteville Trump rally was
a genuine punch. To see the anti-Trump media mechanism in
action, just check out “Hear a white
nationalist’s robocall urging Iowa voters to back
at the rabidly anti-Trump Washington Post
(The March 29 editorial cartoon in The
Post includes “race-baiting” among a litany of anti-Trump charges though no
example of it has ever been presented.) You can watch Taylor perform for CNN
like a trained seal here on YouTube. Most recently, Buzzfeed touted
the fact that the founder of another likely phony white nationalist outfit, Stormfront, has urged his followers to vote for Trump.
The white-on-black assault at the Fayetteville
rally fits the media narrative almost too well, which is why they would play it
up, and is also a big reason to suspect its authenticity. One might contrast it with what happened at a Trump rally in
Tucson, Arizona, a few days later. There
a powerfully built young man administered a brief but serious beating to a
disrupter decked out in a cut-up American flag and accompanied by a person
mockingly wearing a Ku Klux Klan hood.
In that instance, though, the attacker was black and the absorber of the
punches and kicks was white. It was
clearly the real thing, an act of spontaneous outrage by a man who turned out
to be an Air Force staff sergeant on active duty at a nearby base. It didn’t fit the “racist” narrative,
though, so we hear little about it.
If John Franklin McGraw is not really from
Linden, NC, I wondered how it came about that everyone reporting the news said
that he was. My friend Hugh Turley,
using the columnist hat that he has sometimes worn for his local free monthly,
the Hyattsville Life and Times, would
call the Cumberland County Sheriff’s office, which arrested McGraw and I would
email the reporter of the episode nearest to the scene at the Fayetteville Observer. Turley, as it turned out,
experienced a few days of telephone tag before getting any results. My results were quick, but far from
definitive. Since I haven’t asked
the reporter for his permission to publish his emails I shall identify him only
as “PP,” after my “Press Peonage” poem, which begins,
“Pity the modern American journalist, trapped inside the system.”
My Exchanges with a “Press Peon”
Friday, March 18
and everyone else in the press have written that John McGraw, the 78-year-old
guy who made news at the Trump rally in Fayetteville, is from Linden.
What is the origin of that information? There don't seem to be any McGraws in Cumberland County, much less in the very small
community of Linden.
Have you or anyone from your newspaper made any
attempt to talk with him or anyone who might happen to know him? The
Daily Kos says they spoke to a relative of his, but they don't identify the
March 18, PP responds:
He lives in Linden. Or, the
Linden area. At least, up to last week. We plan
to try to talk to him, but everytime I am on schedule
to do that something else comes up that I'm assigned to. I hope he will talk
with me. I think it would make for interesting story. PP
March 18, I respond:
Let me rephrase my initial question. What
evidence do you have that John Franklin McGraw lives in Linden or its general
vicinity, or that he was living there at the time of the incident in
March 18, PP again:
It's on his updated case information at
courthouse. Do you know that he lives elsewhere?
I had posted my article two days before I made my email query,
and I had left a phone message with the reporter before reaching him by
email. In that phone message I
mentioned my web site, but he seems not to have read my article or he surely
would not have thought that he could get by with that brush-off assurance that
McGraw lives in Linden. I seem to
have shaken his confidence a bit with my persistence, as evidenced by his
question to me. I decide to lay a
few more cards on the table:
March 18, my response:
Well, he's originally from the Asheville area,
where he was living when the Hendersonville newspaper did a story about him
about seven years ago, and the postmistress in Linden has never heard of him.
Have you seen the courthouse information? If it states there
that he is a resident of Linden, is it not possible that it is based simply
upon what McGraw told them? Has his residence been verified?
Over the weekend I continue my search for McGraw
on the Internet, and hit what looks to me like certain pay dirt on Switchboard.com. A John Franklin McGraw lives on Painter Street
in Galax (pronounced Gay-lax), VA.
He is 78 years old and he previously lived in Asheville, two locations
in nearby Henderson County where Hendersonville is the county seat, and Lufkin,
Texas. This is clearly the
Fayetteville “sucker puncher.” I
lay some of those cards on the table Monday morning with this email to PP:
March 21, me:
asked me Friday if I knew that John Franklin McGraw lives somewhere besides
Linden. Now I think I do, and I think you might have a big story here if
you should follow up on it. According to the best evidence I can find, he
lives in Galax, VA, with his girlfriend, a North Carolina State graduate who
has an interior design business there. Her name is Fayma
J. Nye. They both live on Painter Street. He moved to Galax from
either Asheville or Etowah, NC, in Henderson County, where the 2009
article was
written about this intriguing man. I don't think he has ever had any
connection to Cumberland County.
might, as a first step, go over to Linden and see what the folks there think
about being tarred by association with this fellow. You might also try to
nail down with some finality the origin of the reported Linden connection.
Did McGraw present identification such as a driver's license giving a
Linden address? Is that address real? Does he actually live at that
Of course, if the man is a phony, I guess i don't have to tell you that he would have some pretty
powerful and dangerous people behind him, so I think you would want to be
careful. I would be interested in what you might end up writing, if
March 21, PP replies:
Dave: Thanks for the information. I'm
hoping they give me the time to try to talk to him today. But it's Monday, and
I never know what I'll be assigned. Your info is greatly appreciated. ... What
do you mean, though, if he's a phony? That's he not really John McGraw and
simply using McGraw's name? PP
It is obvious from his question that PP has not
read my article or anything else I have written
March 21, I respond:
the photograph of McGraw in the Hendersonville
newspaper it's
pretty clear that this is not a case of identity theft. It is the same
John Franklin McGraw.
I mean is that he could be the precise opposite of a Trump supporter, that is,
someone working for one or more of his opponents to make Trump and his
supporters look bad. If you read the BlueRidgeNow
article about him you find, for instance, that he has had one foot in Texas for
most of his adult life and that as a Scripture citer he fits the mold of a Ted
Cruz supporter better than a Trump supporter. He also comes across as a
good deal more cosmopolitan and sophisticated than the ignorant sounding
hothead who was conveniently quickly interviewed after he threw what even the
victim called an elbow instead of a punch. Actually, if you look closely
it's a rather ineffectual forearm and not a punch that means business. As
a former boxer, he would know how to throw a damaging punch, but also as a
former boxer, he would be accustomed to reining in his fists when outside the
Also, considering the things that he has done in
his life, his livelihood would likely have been a good deal less affected by
trade and immigration policy than the average blue-collar worker and tradesman,
who constitutes the bulwark of Trump's support.
Also on Monday Turley finally hears back from
the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office.
They tell him that the home of record they have for him is in Linden,
but the spokesman volunteers that McGraw has “a number of residences” as he
follows the gun show circuit around, apparently selling his handmade holsters
and such.
This information only deepens the mystery around
the man. These residences would
hardly be required nor would they be affordable for a man living such a
life. Before I can ponder this
question further, I get this message the next day:
March 22, PP again:
Dave: He lives outside Linden here in
N.C. I went out to his place yesterday. I talked to his neighbors. He
wasn't there, but they said he had been living there about two years.
Repairs guns and works with leather. He put up a couple of "No
trespassing" signs after the Trump incident. PP
March 22, my response:
Thanks. I'll be looking for your follow-up
March 23, me, after
second thoughts, to PP:
you be so kind as to tell me roughly how far "outside Linden" and
roughly in what direction McGraw's house is? Better yet, do you have his
physical address?
Good luck in ever finding him there, because the
Cumberland County Sheriff's Office says he has "multiple residences."
March 24, my last email
to PP, to which he has not responded:
looks like we've found him through the online court
They even have a panoramic photo of his neighborhood at 297 Boogie Bottom
Lane. Looks like it was taken before the "No Trespassing" signs
went up. I guess you talked to the folks in some of those neighboring
you for your patience. I still hope you get to talk to him at some point.
Another Twist in the Tale
I was less than forthcoming to PP with that
apparent concession that McGraw lives in Linden and has lived there, as PP
says, for the last two years. A
third researcher, a lawyer with whom I have been in contact for a number of
years, discovered the online court records. She did not leave matters at that, though. She did a property search to see who
lives at that address. It is not
John McGraw, but apparently a man and wife of the same last name as one
another, which isn’t anything close to “McGraw.” To further confirm that they are the
residents at that address, she called 411 and got their telephone number.
It now looks very much like PP was bluffing—as
he did with his very first response to me—when he said that he had seen
McGraw’s house in Linden and spoken to his neighbors. More than likely he used information
about McGraw’s activities from the Hendersonville newspaper article. He didn’t get back to me and say that
the mobile home we see in the Boogie Bottom Lane picture is not McGraw’s
residence, but we know that it is not.
It is just the residence of record that McGraw gave when he was
arrested. My lawyer contact also
found a record of McGraw’s arrest in Raleigh for “public swearing” and
drunkenness, which now appears to have been taken down. At that time he gave a specific Raleigh
address as his residence. Our best
guess is that those are the homes of people whose names are in McGraw’s address
book, people with whom he might stay when he makes his gun show appearances.
Continuing her digging, the lawyer also found a
contemporary address for McGraw in Lufkin, Texas. This is clearly the same person as the
one in Galax, Virginia. He is the
same age and he has the same list of previous home residences in North
Carolina, none of which are in or near Linden, as well as Galax.
The web site heavy.com has an article entitled “John McGraw: 5 Fast
Facts You Need to Know.” It is good as
far as it goes. As it turns out,
two anonymous commenters on the article, both of whom claim to know McGraw,
supply a lot more interesting information about the man than the article does,
though. The first tells us things
about him that are completely consistent with what is in the Hendersonville
newspaper article. The second
alleges things about McGraw that could subject the poster to a serious libel
suit if they have no foundation in fact.
Whatever the case, I think we have established
the fact that Mr. McGraw has a more mysterious side than the simple local
yokel, crazy about Donald Trump, that the press has painted for us. I think he fits the CIA-stringer profile
a good deal better.
Another lesson we have learned is that the
American press is not to be trusted, from the biggest to the smallest news
organs. But you knew that already,
didn’t you?
David Martin
March 29, 2016
What can I say? I stand corrected. I should have checked the Fayetteville Observer one last time
before I posted my article. I have
just received an email from a reader who provided a link to the March
25 article that was based upon the reporter Michael Futch’s
interview of McGraw. The interview
clarifies the picture considerably and reconciles most of the apparently
conflicting evidence that I had collected.
The guy, as it turns out, is something like an Old West drifter, living
in a camper, with no radio or television, and probably without a telephone,
either. He may be a “resident” of
Linden for now, but he is very loosely rooted there. In the interview he talks of going up to
Virginia when the weather turns warmer.
That would doubtless be to the mountain town of Galax. The Boogie Bottom Lane address he gave
must be the nearest one to where his camper is parked.
He also sounds like he’s not all that stable. Perhaps his days as a boxer have left him
with some residual CTE effects. I
think now that my suspicion of him as someone else’s agent is not correct. Neither, as it turns out, was my
suspicion of the reporter well founded.
He did, in fact, deliver the goods and conduct a fair and informative
interview, putting a human face on a person who had come across as something of
a cartoon character. Mr. Futch is also to be credited for saying that McGraw
delivered his blow with “a forearm or elbow.” He may be the only one in the press who
has gotten that right. To the
newspaper’s credit, the headline it chose for the article, “Trump rally
assault: Linden man denies punch was racially motivated” well captures the most
important point made by McGraw in the interview while going against the grain
of the picture that has been painted of the incident nationally. It’s too bad that it is unlikely to be
widely read. Now if they’d just get
up to speed reporting on their nearby major alien smuggler….
David Martin
April 2, 2016
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