Vince Foster, Tommy Burkett,
and Fake News
It should be clear to anyone with critical
thinking ability that “fake news” both in concept and in execution, is a
product of the American propaganda apparatus, the largest and most
obvious component of which is the so-called “mainstream” press. Its purpose is to undermine confidence
in any information that does not originate with them. The stratagem is completely consistent
with #1 in the Seventeen Techniques for
Truth Suppression, “If
it’s not reported, if it’s not news, it didn’t happen.” That is to say, what they want you to
believe is that they are the only reliable conduits of news.
Fortunately, their strategy is not
working. Alternative sources of
news—including social media—are flourishing, and one of the primary
reasons is that the mainstream press simply fails to report important news. One can hardly find a better example
than the December 1, 1991, murder of Marymount college student Tommy Burkett at
the Herndon, Virginia, home of his parents, Thomas Burkett, Sr. and Beth
Herndon is in suburban Washington, DC. At the time of Tommy’s obvious
murder—ruled a suicide by the police—almost everyone in the area
was a subscriber to the extraordinarily influential Washington Post. At
this point I would like you to do a quick Internet search using the terms
“Tommy Burkett Washington Post.”
It’s very educational, isn’t it? What you discover is that The Washington Post has completely blacked
out this story. The Post even ignored it when an episode of NBC’s Unsolved Mysteries laid out the case before a
national audience on television on November 11, 1994.
Did The
Post ignore the story because it was not important enough? No, they ignored it because it was too
important. In support of this
assertion we present an article written almost a decade ago by Hugh Turley, probably the leading researcher into the 1993 death of Deputy
White House Counsel Vincent W. Foster, Jr.:
Between the Deaths of Tommy Burkett and Vince Foster by Hugh Turley TOMMY BURKETT has a lot in common with Vincent
Foster. BURKETT'S death is not a political left vs
right issue. Tommy was killed during the Bush administration and the cover-up
spans the Clinton administration. Republicans and Democrats and the entire
American press conceal the truth about Tommy Burkett's murder. * BURKETT: The
authorities said he committed suicide. BURKETT: BEFORE
looking at the body the chief investigator told Tommy's mother, "I've
seen lots of these 'suicides' and there is nothing you could have done."
authorities said he died from a gunshot to the head. BURKETT: Not much
blood was found at the scene. BURKETT: The
revolver was found in his hand. No fingerprints were on the gun. (the cylinder was not completely closed) BURKETT: The body
was found neatly sitting in a chair, legs crossed hands on his lap. BURKETT: The medical
examiner was Dr. Donald Haut. BURKETT: The autopsy
doctor was Dr. James C. Beyer. BURKETT: Dr. Beyer
changed his story after showing Tommy's father several autopsy photos. Dr.
Beyer said he just took one. BURKETT: Tommy had a
broken jaw and mangled ear a second autopsy revealed. BURKETT: A forged
note was found that said, "please cremate me." Dr. Haut's signature was forged on the death certificate. BURKETT: Neighbors
saw strange men in Tommy's car outside his home. BURKETT: An extra
car was seen parked outside Tommy Burkett's home. BURKETT: Fairfax
County police refuse to discuss Tommy Burkett's case. BURKETT: Tommy and
his neighbor called 911 but the tape somehow got erased. BURKETT: Tommy's
clothes vanished from police custody and never were returned to his parents. BURKETT: Paramedics
tell a different story from police about how Tommy died. BURKETT: Police made
no effort to determine whose blood (not Tommy's) was on the walls of other
rooms of Tommy Burkett's home. BURKETT: Neighbors
of the Burkett family were not questioned by police about what the saw or
heard. BURKETT: Tommy had
been doing undercover work for the Drug Enforcement Administration. BURKETT: Local
county police determined it was a suicide in minutes and FBI agents
(including Robert Bryant) covered up the cover-up. BURKETT: Tommy's
wallet was missing from his body. It later somehow appeared at his college. BURKETT: The media
hid the true facts about Tommy's death from the public. His death was not
even reported for 18 months. BURKETT: Citizens and
witnesses have protested the cover-up of Tommy's death. BURKETT: The FBI
told Tommy's parents and they have a 1800 page
secret report that no one can see. December 7, 1997 An anonymous article
found on Conspiracy Nation, from which I have taken the
following excerpt, provides as good a thumbnail description of the Burkett
case as one can find anywhere.
It’s only inaccuracy that I have noticed is that the writer, in a
portion of the article not quoted here, seems to believe that Burkett’s death
occurred after Foster’s did: Despite
the FBI's conclusion, the Burketts themselves have
accumulated evidence pointing to murder. The autopsy performed for the couple
by the former medical examiner for Syracuse, N.Y., showed results quite
different from that done by Dr. Beyer. Dr.
Beyer's autopsy had noted a quarter-inch by half-inch hole in the back of
Tommy's neck, just above the collar, and offered it as the "exit
wound" for the .357 magnum bullet which supposedly killed Tommy. Every
forensics expert consulted by the Burketts refuted
this as impossibly small and clean. Interestingly,
the bullet thought to have caused this wound was not only embedded in the
wallboard in FRONT of Tommy's body, out of position for the proposed
scenario, but was left in place by the police and FBI. No ballistics tests
were ever performed on this bullet. Additionally, there was no gunpowder
residue in Tommy's mouth, the supposed entry location for the lethal bullet. The second
autopsy also noted that Tommy Burkett's ear had suffered trauma, indicating
that he may have been beaten. And, as Thomas Burkett had suspected, his son's
lower jaw was fractured. This injury, along with the scratches on his chest,
is inconsistent with suicide. The first
autopsy, conducted by Beyer reported no such findings. The second autopsy
also discovered Tommy Burkett's lungs had never been dissected, despite Dr.
Beyer's claim in his report that he had performed that operation. Please notice, dear reader, that the Burkett
parents were able to get done what a recent fake news story says Rep. Trey Gowdy was able to order a federal judge to get done, to
exhume the body and to have a second autopsy performed. They found what the fake news story is telling us the “second
Foster autopsy” found, that is, that the first autopsy, conducted by Dr.
James Beyer in each case, was fraudulent. But what if the story had been true? What if, say, Foster’s sister Sheila Anthony had suddenly developed
some scruples and had summoned up the courage to follow in the Burkett
parents’ footsteps and to exhume the body and have a second autopsy done,
instead of just repeating her absurd, “how dare you?” cry? You can be certain that the second
autopsy would reveal what witnesses at Fort Marcy Park saw, a small bullet
entrance wound in Foster’s neck, and it would also show that there was no
gaping exit wound in Foster’s head, as shown in the corrupt Beyer’s autopsy
diagram. Surely you know what the reaction of the
mainstream press, led by The Washington
Post, would have been to that turn of events, don’t you? As the newly coined slang would have
it, “crickets.” Yes, all you
would hear from them would be silence (or the background noise of a summer
night). It would be similar to
the silence you have heard from them about the efforts through the years of
the Martin Luther King, Jr., family to clear the name of James Earl Ray as the
civil rights leader’s assassin.
What, you didn’t know about that?
The Post can give the
shameless Sheila Anthony a guest column as long as she’s singing
the ridiculous “suffered enough” song, but you can bet you’ll
never see a column in that newspaper from Dexter King on the subject of his
father’s assassination. The Post Has No Excuse For anyone who might be living in the sort of
fantasy world in which they might believe that the outrageous Burkett case
simply somehow managed to escape the attention of The Washington Post all these years, I offer this passage from my
article, “Double Agent Ruddy Reaching
for Media Pinnacle”: I drove [Christopher] Ruddy to
the Burketts’ home for him to interview them. I was present when they told him that
they had discovered that Tommy had been busted for marijuana and had had the
charges dropped in exchange for working as an informant for the Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA).
They had found many indications that Tommy had been beaten to death
because of what he had learned and reported in his informant role. They also told him of their attempts
to get coverage of their story in the news. They had talked to several reporters
who had shown interest, but nothing ever got printed. Then they had their phone system
screened by a professional and found that they were being bugged. After that they called a reporter for
the local free weekly, the Chantilly
Times, from a pay phone. I had first read their amazing story
there. ** I
was primarily an observer at the interview, but I distinctly remember that it
was I and not Ruddy who broached the subject of The Washington Post. The Burketts had not volunteered it, so I asked them
“What about The Post?” I can’t recall the reporter’s
name, but one did come and interview them after they had found out about
their phone bug and he responded excitedly to their story. His editor killed the story, though,
and to this day The Post, the same
newspaper that has done more than any other to sell the Foster suicide line
to the public, has not reported anything about the Burkett death. Afterwards, on March 8, 1994, Ruddy
had an article in the New York Post entitled
“Foster Coroner Has Been Dead Wrong on Suicide Before.” It is about the [Timothy] Easley and
Burkett cases, but there’s not a peep about the DEA or the phone bugging or The Post’s news suppression. Mainly, Dr. Beyer and the Fairfax
County police come across as incompetent in Ruddy’s account. One gets the same impression from his
Appendix IV, “Case Histories of Dr. James Beyer” in his 1997 book, The Strange Death of Vincent Foster.
The general corruption of the government beyond the Foster
case and the role of the press as accomplices were apparently off limits. The Burketts had
formed an organization called Parents against Corruption and Cover-up and for
five years they had a function on a summer Saturday on the Washington Mall in
which speeches were made by family members and a huge quilt was spread out with
individual squares provided by each of the family members. I met the family members of Kenneth Trentadue, whose suspicious death in
prison is likely connected to the Oklahoma City bombing cover-up, at more
than one of the quilt days. Quilt Day on the Mall could have been a
veritable gold mine for any curious reporter, but I never saw any reporting
on it anywhere, except in virtually hidden corners of the Internet, certainly
not in The Washington Post. I can’t help but think of that fact
each time I look at the new slogan that the newspaper has affixed to its
masthead, “Democracy Dies in Darkness.”
These are the folks who would want you to
believe that what I am telling you about the Burketts’
annual quilt day must just be “fake news” because, after all, it’s not coming
to you through the established press with all of its “high professional
standards.” Pathetic “Debunkers” The irony of The Post’s new masthead slogan is matched by the irony of the
reporting from the designated debunkers of the fake news about Vince Foster
being exhumed. Punditfact, while exposing the phony
news report, has this phony news of its own, ”Foster,
who was deputy counsel to President Bill Clinton and a former Arkansas law
colleague of Hillary Clinton, committed suicide in 1993 at age 48, after suffering from depression.” Its link is to—wouldn’t you
know—The Washington Post and
its report on the report of Special Counsel Robert Fiske whose suicide
conclusion was utterly dependent upon the corrupt autopsy performed by the
corrupt Doctor James C. Beyer. Snopes,
for its part, is little better. “Foster took his own life on 20 July
1993,” they say with absolute certitude, “and the circumstances surrounding
his death in part formed the basis of long-circulating conspiracy theories
that Clinton associates
were often found dead under mysterious circumstances. Foster’s death was
ruled a suicide in multiple investigations.”
first link is to its own deeply
flawed debunking of Clinton body count
list. Its second link is to a May
2015, 2016, article by Glenn Kessler in The
Washington Post. We have come
full circle. * Similar bipartisanship in criminality was
exhibited in the Foster case.
President George W. Bush made federal judges of Brett Kavanaugh and John Bates, two of Kenneth Starr’s top
aides in the “investigation” of Foster’s death. ** Read more about the reporting of the Chantilly Times, including Beth
George’s long letter published in that newspaper in my article, “News Suppression in Action.” David Martin April 20, 2017 Home Page
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