Ruble Thursday


To the tune of “Ruby Tuesday


Joe would have no clue where it came from.

We’ll miss the petrodollar when it’s gone.

Biden’s not so bright.

So, when he chose this fight,

He never guessed

What they would do.


Hello, Ruble Thursday.

No one knows now what we’ll do.

One thing’s for sure.  This is a new day.

I think we’re in the stew.


At least now there’s a way to shift the blame.

As our hopes and dreams go up in flames.

It’s not that we’ve been had;

It’s just that Putin’s bad.

What we have lost

Is not Joe’s fault.


Hello, Ruble Thursday.

No one knows now what we’ll do.

One thing’s for sure.  This is a new day.

I think we’re in the stew.


As with the Brits, our empire had its run.

Like Joe we loved our moment in the sun.

Sliding all the time,

How can we rule

When they won’t take our dime?

Ain’t it a shame?


Hello, Ruble Thursday.

No one knows now what we’ll do.

One thing’s for sure.  This is a new day.

I think we’re in the stew.


Hello, Ruble Thursday.

No one knows now what we’ll do.

One thing’s for sure.  This is a new day.

I think we’re in the stew.


David Martin



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