James Sabow, Hero


                             Our illegal drug business thralldom

                             Is laid bare by the James Sabow case,

                             But rare is the Fourth Estate organ

                             That will give it appropriate place.


                             CBS showed it knew of the outrage

                             As reported by their Connie Chung,

                             But not by these guardians of freedom

                             Could one say that the tocsin was rung.


                             When real heroes die in our cursed land,

                             They say they died by their own hand.


                             Colonel Sabow's neurologist brother

                             Told the story on Capitol Hill,

                             While the shoulders of all our reporters

                             Radiated a sub-zero chill.


                             Like many who'd uncover criminals

                             Marine flyer James Sabow died

                             In an untimely violent manner

                             That bad cops have ruled suicide.


                             When real heroes die in our cursed land,

                             They say they died by their own hand.


                             Called to stand up and be counted,

                             Hardly anyone passes the test.

                             We haven't just buried James Sabow,

                             Our birthright has been laid to rest.

                             We haven't just buried James Sabow,

                             Our birthright has been laid to rest.


  David Martin



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