The Kushner Plan

To the tune of “O Christmas Tree

                                    The Kushner Plan, the Kushner Plan,

                                    A real estate bonanza.

                                    The Kushner Plan, the Kushner Plan,

                                    A real estate bonanza.


                                    Piracy, with Trump to thank,

                                    Let the natives walk the plank.

                                    The Kushner Plan, the Kushner Plan,

                                    A real estate bonanza.


                                    The natives fled to Gaza

                                    From their stolen homes in Palestine,

                                    Displaced by those ethnic supremacists.

                                    Now Trump would have them move again.

                                    Our power they must not resist.


                                    The Kushner, the Kushner Plan,

                                    A real estate bonanza.

                                    The Kushner Plan, the Kushner Plan,

                                    A real estate bonanza.


                                    Now we all must get in line

                                    For Trump's plan for Palestine

                                    To have the smoothest execution

                                    Of the Zionists' final solution.


                                    The Kushner, the Kushner Plan,

                                    A really big bonanza?


                                    David Martin




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